Representing Caln, West Brandywine, Downingtown, and East Caln, PA
Apply to Vote by Mail
In, PA any qualified voter may apply for a “no-excuse” mail-in ballot. It’s easy to do online (and a smart idea this year).
Register to Vote
Just turned 18? Moved house? Want to update your party affiliation to Democrat (welcome!)? Click below to get started.
Find My Polling Place
Enter your street address to find the location of your poll. Polls are open 7 am to 8 pm on Tuesday, November 8.

We are Democratic committeepeople serving the municipalities of Caln, West Brandywine, Downingtown, and East Caln, PA, as part of the Chester County Democratic Committee.
We’re your neighbors, friends, coworkers, faith community members, fellow parents, and citizens who volunteer our time and talents to support Democratic values in nation, commonwealth, and very own backyards.